芳记麻芝与花生糊(Hong Kee Mah Chee)







地址: 550A, Jalan Queen, Taman Pasir Pinji, 31650 Ipoh, Perak









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怡保,马来西亚这座迷人的城市,是美食爱好者的宝库,尤其是那些寻求正宗华人美食的人。 从美味的点心到丰盛的海鲜菜肴,怡保的中餐厅提供令人愉悦的美食体验,满足各种口味。


1. Kafe Yoon Wah (新元华雪花啤酒)

Kafe Yoon Wah (新元华雪花啤酒)5 Best Chinese Restaurant Food in Ipoh

Kafe Yoon Wah 坐落在怡保市中心,是一家深受喜爱的中餐厅,几十年来一直提供美味佳肴。 这里以雪花啤酒闻名,美食种类多达1000种,烹饪方法各异。



地址: No. 7, Jalan Bijeh Timah, 30000 Ipoh, Perak
营业时间:周一至周日:1:00 PM – 12:00 PM
电话:012-512 9980


2. Sun Marpoh Restaurant (孖宝海鲜饭店)

Sun Marpoh Restaurant (孖宝海鲜饭店)

孖宝海鲜饭店是一家烹饪瑰宝,专门提供现代风味的正宗粤菜。 餐厅才华横溢的厨师精心烹制出诱人味蕾的美味佳肴。

必尝的菜肴包括上等酱油蒸石斑鱼、黑胡椒炒鹿肉和香酥鸭。 孖宝海鲜饭店优雅的环境为用餐体验增添了一丝精致,使其成为特殊场合和家庭聚会的热门选择

地址: 67 & 69, Jln Dato Lau Pak Khuan, Ipoh Garden, 31400 Ipoh, Perak
时间:周一至周日:11:30am–2:30pm, 5:30–9:30pm (周三休息)
电话:05-545 5127


3. Restoran Fu Lim (富临海鲜酒家)

Restoran Fu Lim (富临海鲜酒家)

如果您是海鲜爱好者,富林餐厅是您享用各种新鲜美味海鲜美食的完美目的地。 这家餐厅位于风景秀丽的近打河畔,环境清幽,供应著名的咸蛋黄蟹、黄油虾和辣蛤。

海鲜直接来自当地渔民,确保每道菜的新鲜度和品质。 富林餐厅坐拥风景如画的河畔景色,定能为您带来难忘的美食体验。

地址: 62-4, Laluan Perusahaan Minglembu 1, Kawasan Perindustrian Bandar Baru, 31450 Menglembu, Perak
时间:周一至周日:12.00pm–2:30pm, 6–9pm (周二休息)
电话:05-281 1454


4. Pusing Public Seafood Restaurant (布先民众海鲜酒家)

想要品尝地道的传统中式海鲜菜肴,普兴公共海鲜餐厅是值得探索的隐藏瑰宝。 这家餐厅提供采用历史悠久的食谱烹制的各种海鲜菜肴。

尽情享用他们著名的姜辣蒸鱼头、煲仔虾面和令人垂涎欲滴的盐焗螃蟹。 餐厅质朴的氛围和友好的服务营造出温馨的氛围,与美味的菜肴相得益彰。

地址: 59, 61, 57, 63 & 65, Jalan Veerasamy, Kampung Jawa, 30300 Ipoh, Perak
时间:周一至周日:12.00pm–2:30pm, 6–9pm
电话:05-253 3428

5. Hoong Tho Restaurant 鸿图酒楼 (鸿图酒楼)

2023就在班龙酒店对面,很多当地人也来吃。而且大虾非常新鲜,面是云吞面那种碱水面,总体而言非常棒!周二关门_Hoong Tho Restaurant -评论-去哪儿攻略

鸿图酒楼成立于 1948 年,是怡保的一家烹饪机构,以其经典粤菜和怀旧魅力而闻名。 餐厅的菜单提供一系列传统菜肴,如著名的烤鸭、荷叶饭和铁板黑椒牛肉。

代代相传的永恒食谱确保鸿图的每道菜都保留其正宗风味。 走进这个美食时间胶囊,在鸿图酒楼品味历史的味道。

地址: 20, Jalan Bandar Timah, 30000 Ipoh, Perak
时间:周一至周日:10:30am–2:30pm, 5:30–9.00pm(周二休息)
电话: 05-254 9673




踏上穿越怡保市中心的美味之旅,尽情享受这座城市提供的最好的中国美食。 从怡保最好的雪花啤酒 Kafe Yoon Wah 到鸿图酒楼的经典烤鸭,榜单上的每家餐厅都承诺提供独特的用餐体验,捕捉中国烹饪传统的精髓。 所以,约上你的家人和朋友,让你的味蕾品尝怡保这五家最好的中餐厅的浓郁风味。 祝你胃口好!

5 Makanan Restoran Cina Terbaik di Ipoh

Ipoh, bandaraya Malaysia yang mempesonakan, adalah harta karun bagi penggemar makanan, terutamanya mereka yang mencari masakan asli Cina. Daripada dim sum yang lazat kepada hidangan makanan laut yang mewah, restoran Cina di Ipoh menawarkan pengalaman kulinari yang menarik yang memenuhi selera setiap orang.

Dalam blog ini, kami akan membawa anda ke perjalanan gastronomi untuk menerokai lima restoran Cina terbaik di Ipoh, di mana tradisi bertemu dengan inovasi, dan citarasa meledak dengan setiap gigitan.

1. Kafe Yoon Wah (新元华雪花啤酒)

Kafe Yoon Wah (新元华雪花啤酒)5 Best Chinese Restaurant Food in Ipoh

Terletak di tengah-tengah Ipoh, Kafe Yoon Wah ialah restoran Cina yang digemari yang telah menyajikan hidangan lazat selama beberapa dekad. Di sini terkenal dengan bir salji dan terdapat sebanyak 1,000 jenis pilihan makanan dengan pelbagai kaedah memasak.

Terdapat lebih daripada 20 jenis hidangan istimewa, termasuk ayam Kung Pao, sotong rebus, telur hancur dengan daging makan tengah hari, dsb. Gandingkan dengan udang bakar garam yang terkenal dan sepinggan nasi goreng Kantonis yang wangi untuk jamuan diraja.

Suasana mesra restoran dan perkhidmatan mesra mewujudkan suasana mesra yang membuatkan pengunjung kembali untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak lagi.

Address: No. 7, Jalan Bijeh Timah, 30000 Ipoh, Perak
Hours:Monday – Sunday:1:00pm-12:00pm
Tel:012-512 9980


2. Sun Marpoh Restaurant (孖宝海鲜饭店)

Sun Marpoh Restaurant (孖宝海鲜饭店)

Restoran Sun Marpoh ialah permata kulinari yang mengkhusus dalam masakan Kantonis asli dengan sentuhan moden. Cef berbakat restoran ini menghasilkan hidangan yang menggoda selera dengan rasa yang tercetus dalam harmoni.

Hidangan yang mesti dicuba termasuk garoupa kukus dengan kicap unggul, daging rusa tumis dengan lada hitam dan itik aromatik yang rangup. Suasana elegan Sun Marpoh menambahkan sentuhan kecanggihan pada pengalaman menjamu selera, menjadikannya pilihan popular untuk majlis khas dan perhimpunan keluarga

Address: 67 & 69, Jln Dato Lau Pak Khuan, Ipoh Garden, 31400 Ipoh, Perak
Hour:Monday-Sunday:11:30 am–2:30 pm, 5:30–9:30 pm (Wednesday Closed)
Tel:05-545 5127


3. Restoran Fu Lim (富临海鲜酒家)

Restoran Fu Lim (富临海鲜酒家)

Jika anda seorang peminat makanan laut, Restoran Fu Lim ialah destinasi yang sesuai untuk menikmati pelbagai hidangan makanan laut yang segar dan berperisa. Terletak di tepi Sungai Kinta yang indah, restoran ini menawarkan suasana yang tenang untuk menikmati ketam kuning telur masin yang terkenal, udang mentega dan kerang pedas.

Makanan laut diperolehi terus daripada nelayan tempatan, memastikan kesegaran dan kualiti terbaik dalam setiap hidangan. Dengan pemandangan tepi sungai yang indah, menjamu selera di Restoran Fu Lim menjanjikan pengalaman gastronomi yang tidak dapat dilupakan.

Address: 62-4, Laluan Perusahaan Menglembu 1, Kawasan Perindustrian Bandar Baru, 31450 Menglembu, Perak
Hour:Monday-Sunday:12.00pm–2:30 pm, 6–9 pm (Tuesday Closed)
Tel:05-281 1454


4. Pusing Public Seafood Restaurant (布先民众海鲜酒家)

Untuk rasa autentik hidangan makanan laut tradisional Cina, Restoran Makanan Laut Awam Pusing ialah permata tersembunyi yang patut diterokai. Terletak di bandar Pusing yang menawan, hanya dalam jarak pemanduan yang singkat dari Ipoh, restoran ini menawarkan pelbagai pilihan hidangan makanan laut yang disediakan dengan resipi yang terkenal pada masanya.

Manjakan diri dengan kepala ikan kukus terkenal mereka dengan halia dan cili, mi udang periuk tanah, dan ketam bakar garam yang lazat. Suasana desa restoran dan perkhidmatan mesra mewujudkan suasana bersahaja yang melengkapi hidangan yang lazat.

Address: 59, 61, 57, 63 & 65, Jalan Veerasamy, Kampung Jawa, 30300 Ipoh, Perak
Hour:Monday-Sunday:12.00pm–2:30 pm, 6–9 pm
Tel:05-253 3428


5. Hoong Tho Restaurant 鸿图酒楼 (鸿图酒楼)

2023就在班龙酒店对面,很多当地人也来吃。而且大虾非常新鲜,面是云吞面那种碱水面,总体而言非常棒!周二关门_Hoong Tho Restaurant -评论-去哪儿攻略

Ditubuhkan pada tahun 1948, Restoran Hoong Tho ialah sebuah institusi kulinari di Ipoh, terkenal dengan masakan Kantonis klasik dan daya tarikan nostalgia. Menu restoran ini menawarkan pelbagai hidangan tradisional, seperti itik panggang yang terkenal, nasi daun teratai dan daging lembu lada hitam.

Resipi abadi yang diwarisi turun temurun memastikan setiap hidangan di Hoong Tho mengekalkan rasa aslinya. Masuk ke kapsul masa masakan ini dan nikmati rasa sejarah di Restoran Hoong Tho.

Address: 20, Jalan Bandar Timah, 30000 Ipoh, Perak
Hour:Monday-Sunday:10:30 am–2:30 pm, 5:30–9 .00pm(Tuesday Closed)
Tel: 05-254 9673



Mulakan perjalanan yang penuh rasa di tengah-tengah Ipoh dan nikmati masakan Cina terbaik yang ditawarkan oleh bandar ini. Daripada bir salji terbaik Kafe Yoon Wah Ipoh kepada itik panggang klasik Restoran Hoong Tho, setiap restoran dalam senarai ini menjanjikan pengalaman makan unik yang menangkap intipati tradisi masakan Cina. Jadi, kumpulkan keluarga dan rakan-rakan anda, dan biarkan selera anda menikmati perisa yang kaya dari lima restoran Cina terbaik di Ipoh ini. Selamat menjamu selera!

Must Try Curry Mee In Ipoh :Yee Fatt

怡发茶室 (Yee Fatt Curry Mee)

Yee Fatt Curry Noodles has been serving up delicious curry noodles to the locals in Ipoh for over 60 years since its establishment in 1955. This establishment is renowned for its distinctive curry broth and a variety of noodle options. It’s said that their curry soup is prepared using a secret recipe that combines 20 different spices, which might be one of the reasons behind its rich and delightful flavor.

Customers at Yee Fatt Curry Noodles can choose between the Dry or With Soup versions of their noodles, based on their preferences. According to your review, you prefer the Dry version, where the noodles are coated with the flavorful curry sauce and accompanied by toppings such as char siu (barbecue pork), chicken, and bean sprouts. This combination indeed offers a diverse range of textures and flavors to the dish.


The combination of the rich curry soup and the assortment of toppings seems to have contributed to the dish’s unique appeal. However, adding more specific details could enhance the review further. You might consider sharing information about the noodle’s texture (whether it’s chewy or soft), the aroma of the curry broth, the freshness of the toppings, and other aspects that would provide readers with a more comprehensive understanding of the dish.


  Address: 39, Jalan Kampar, 31650 Ipoh, Perak , Closed on Mondays.


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5 Best Chinese Restaurant Food in Ipoh

Ipoh, the enchanting city of Malaysia, is a treasure trove for food lovers, especially those seeking authentic Chinese cuisine. From savory dim sum to sumptuous seafood dishes, Ipoh’s Chinese restaurants offer a delightful culinary experience that satisfies every palate.

In this blog, we will take you on a gastronomic journey to explore the five best Chinese restaurants in Ipoh, where tradition meets innovation, and flavors burst with every bite.

1. Kafe Yoon Wah (新元华雪花啤酒)

Kafe Yoon Wah (新元华雪花啤酒)5 Best Chinese Restaurant Food in Ipoh

Nestled in the heart of Ipoh, Kafe Yoon Wah is a beloved Chinese restaurant that has been serving delectable dishes for decades. Here is famous for its snow beer and there are as many as 1,000 kinds of food options with various cooking methods.

There are more than 20 kinds of signature dishes, including Kung Pao chicken, boiled octopus, scrambled eggs with luncheon meat, etc. Pair it with their famous salt-baked prawns and a plate of fragrant Cantonese fried rice for a feast fit for royalty.

The restaurant’s warm ambiance and friendly service create a welcoming atmosphere that keeps diners coming back for more.

Address: No. 7, Jalan Bijeh Timah, 30000 Ipoh, Perak
Hours:Monday – Sunday:1:00pm-12:00pm
Tel:012-512 9980


2. Sun Marpoh Restaurant (孖宝海鲜饭店)

Sun Marpoh Restaurant (孖宝海鲜饭店)

Sun Marpoh Restaurant is a culinary gem that specializes in authentic Cantonese cuisine with a modern twist. The restaurant’s talented chefs craft dishes that tantalize taste buds with flavors that burst in harmony.

Must-try dishes include their steamed garoupa with superior soy sauce, stir-fried venison with black pepper, and crispy aromatic duck. The elegant setting of Sun Marpoh adds a touch of sophistication to the dining experience, making it a popular choice for special occasions and family gatherings

Address: 67 & 69, Jln Dato Lau Pak Khuan, Ipoh Garden, 31400 Ipoh, Perak
Hour:Monday-Sunday:11:30 am–2:30 pm, 5:30–9:30 pm (Wednesday Closed)
Tel:05-545 5127


3. Restoran Fu Lim (富临海鲜酒家)

Restoran Fu Lim (富临海鲜酒家)

If you’re a seafood enthusiast, Restoran Fu Lim is the perfect destination to indulge in an array of fresh and flavorful seafood delights. Located by the scenic Kinta River, this restaurant offers a serene setting to enjoy their famous salted egg yolk crabs, butter prawns, and spicy clams.

The seafood is sourced directly from local fishermen, ensuring the utmost freshness and quality in every dish. With its picturesque riverside view, dining at Restoran Fu Lim promises an unforgettable gastronomic experience.

Address: 62-4, Laluan Perusahaan Menglembu 1, Kawasan Perindustrian Bandar Baru, 31450 Menglembu, Perak
Hour:Monday-Sunday:12.00pm–2:30 pm, 6–9 pm (Tuesday Closed)
Tel:05-281 1454


4. Pusing Public Seafood Restaurant (布先民众海鲜酒家)

For an authentic taste of traditional Chinese seafood dishes, Pusing Public Seafood Restaurant is a hidden gem worth exploring. Nestled in the charming town of Pusing, just a short drive from Ipoh, this restaurant offers a wide selection of seafood dishes prepared with time-honored recipes.

Indulge in their famous steamed fish head with ginger and chili, claypot prawn noodles, and mouthwatering salt-baked crabs. The restaurant’s rustic ambiance and friendly service create a homely atmosphere that complements the delightful dishes.

Address: 59, 61, 57, 63 & 65, Jalan Veerasamy, Kampung Jawa, 30300 Ipoh, Perak
Hour:Monday-Sunday:12.00pm–2:30 pm, 6–9 pm
Tel:05-253 3428


5. Hoong Tho Restaurant 鸿图酒楼 (鸿图酒楼)

2023就在班龙酒店对面,很多当地人也来吃。而且大虾非常新鲜,面是云吞面那种碱水面,总体而言非常棒!周二关门_Hoong Tho Restaurant -评论-去哪儿攻略

Established in 1948, Hoong Tho Restaurant is a culinary institution in Ipoh, renowned for its classic Cantonese cuisine and nostalgic charm. The restaurant’s menu boasts an array of traditional dishes, such as their famous roasted duck, lotus leaf rice, and sizzling black pepper beef.

The timeless recipes passed down through generations ensure that every dish at Hoong Tho retains its authentic flavors. Step into this culinary time capsule and relish the taste of history at Hoong Tho Restaurant.

Address: 20, Jalan Bandar Timah, 30000 Ipoh, Perak
Hour:Monday-Sunday:10:30 am–2:30 pm, 5:30–9 .00pm(Tuesday Closed)
Tel: 05-254 9673



Embark on a flavorful journey through the heart of Ipoh and indulge in the best Chinese cuisine the city has to offer. From Kafe Yoon Wah’s best snow beer Ipoh to Hoong Tho Restaurant’s classic roasted duck, each restaurant on this list promises a unique dining experience that captures the essence of Chinese culinary traditions. So, gather your family and friends, and let your taste buds savor the rich flavors of these five best Chinese restaurants in Ipoh. Bon appétit!

List of must visit places and must try foods in Ipoh

Concubine Lane (怡保二奶巷)This old street has experienced a revival in recent years and is now a culturally vibrant place with over 20 century-old houses, attracting visitors with its nostalgic charm. After a period of dormancy, Concubine Lane has been transformed into a cultural street with handicraft shops, guesthouses, local produce stores, and various street food stalls. Today, it has become one of Ipoh’s most famous tourist attractions, where visitors can not only take pictures and explore but also indulge in delightful local delicacies.

Ding Feng Chaoshan Tofu Pudding (顶峰潮州豆腐花)

怡保驰名顶丰传统潮州豆腐花Ding Feng Teow Chew Tau Fu Fa

This eatery is one of the most popular stalls in Concubine Lane, attracting crowds with its traditional and flavorful Chaoshan-style tofu pudding. What sets it apart is that they do not use syrup but instead drizzle the tofu pudding with ginger juice, sprinkle sugar and sesame on top, creating a delightful blend of smooth tofu and sweet sugar. They also offer unique options like bird’s nest tofu pudding, leicha soy milk, and bird’s nest soy milk.

Red Bean Ice Dessert at Concubine Lane (二奶巷红豆冰)


If you’re feeling tired from strolling along Concubine Lane in the hot sun, quench your thirst with a refreshing red bean ice dessert. This cooling treat is generously filled with flavorful red beans, offering a delightful and delicious respite from the heat. You’ll also find other icy delights like Cendol and Ice Kacang, as well as savory options such as handmade noodles and the famous Ipoh-style caramel custard.

Lee Hong Kee River Fresh (利兴发河嘻)


Hor Hee” or river fresh noodles are a beloved local delicacy in Ipoh, and Lee Hong Kee is highly recommended for its authentic flavors. The clear and sweet broth is made from fish bones, anchovies, and freshwater fish, accompanied by fish balls, fish cakes, and preserved vegetables, garnished with chopped spring onions and fried shallots, creating a bowl of delicious and aromatic “Hor Hee.”

Plan B


Not far from Concubine Lane, you’ll find Plan B, a popular café known for its open and stylish ambiance. The large glass windows allow warm natural light to filter in, creating a welcoming and comfortable atmosphere. Perfect for brunch, their Big Breakfast is a crowd-pleaser, while their creamy Mocha is a great choice for a pleasant afternoon break, providing a quieter escape from the bustling crowds of Concubine Lane.

Wong Koh Kee Restaurant (黄高记饭店)


A popular eatery on Concubine Lane, Wong Koh Kee is renowned for its two signature dishes: “Pipa Chicken” (琵琶鸡) and “Gu Lou Yok” (咕咾肉). The Pipa Chicken may look like ordinary roasted chicken, but the tender meat and crispy skin with a slight saltiness will keep you coming back for more. The Gu Lou Yok, or sweet and sour pork, is equally delicious, with a perfect sticky sauce coating the crispy meat. The old-established restaurant’s culinary standards are truly exceptional.

Kafe Yoon Wah (新元华雪花啤酒)

For a delightful evening, visit Kafe Yoon Wah to enjoy Snow Beer and specialty snacks. Snow Beer is served in a frozen glass, creating a layer of snowy ice as soon as the beer is poured, resulting in an extremely refreshing and icy-cold experience. Pair your Snow Beer with signature dishes like “gong yu zai “, pork intestine, and blanched baby octopus, adding to the satisfaction of exploring Concubine Lane.

Tian Jin Tea House (天津茶室)


When it comes to Ipoh, you must visit Tian Jin Tea House. This popular food destination offers an array of signature dishes, including shredded chicken hor fun (flat rice noodles), caramel custard, satay pork, and rice noodle rolls, allowing you to sample various authentic Ipoh delicacies all in one place!

Enjoy your time in Ipoh and have a wonderful food adventure!